Acupuncture is a technique of carefully piercing the skin with needles at specific points in the body to treat or prevent a range of conditions. Acupuncture’s exact mechanism of action remains undefined; however, significant evidence indicates that acupuncture triggers changes on the nerve level near the needle, as well as at distance all the way up to the brain’s higher cortex. Needling likewise affects the release of biological chemicals like local hormones, cytokines (communication molecules), and neurotransmitters, and it also enhances microcirculation.
Dr. Gordin was very fortunate early in his medical career to meet a nine generation traditional Vietnamese medicine doctor. He taught him acupuncture, including the basics of pulse diagnosis, and Dr. Gordin have been practicing this modality for over 35 years. Traditionally, acupuncture points connect to energy channels within the body, called meridians. There are various acupuncture approaches, including corporal (body), and microsystems acupuncture, in which specific regions of the body—hand, ear, and scalp—project the whole-body system.
Acupuncture is a therapeutic modality that encourages the physiological processes of repair and restoration. Many chronic illnesses are perpetuated by a repair-deficit state. Accordingly, acupuncture is very helpful as part of the health restoration treatment program.